Attain ideal blast results with correct Blast Design

MineExcellence provides an innovative technology solution - BLADES to achieve optimum blast results.

Frequent blasting, poor fragmentation and poor utilization of equipment. Are these your problems too? A lot has been said about best mining practices in various technical papers and mining forums. But good blast design and execution on field, remain to be key essentials to successful mining operations. Efficient blast designs combined with the proper choice of explosive can produce better fragmentation with associated lower operating costs, compared to blast designs and explosives used under adverse conditions

BLADES for blast design by MineExcellence, provides accurate measurement which is imperative for a successful blast design.

BLADES provide quarry operators with an uncomplicated, first-approximation method for designing blast patterns, considering geologic structure, and to show the valid use of the technique by comparing drill and blast pattern dimensions used in the quarry.

What does the software do?

  • It allows easy design of blasts, calculates blast parameters i.e. burden, spacing, square/staggered pattern layout, and layout with charging options.
  • Based on desired blasting inputs such as face co-ordinates, hole diameter, pattern layout, rock characteristics, explosives, fragmentation size etc., BLADES calculates the blast geometric parameters.

Business benefits:

  • It calculates approximate vibration values, fragment size and danger zones.
  • It also provides drilling and blasting cost analysis for given blast design.
  • Helps in adjusting, designing the blast pattern, delay sequences for optimum output with minimum vibrations and fragments.
  • The output charging sheet can be printed and handed over to blaster to perform the blast as per the designed output.

How does it work?

Users may specify the geometrical patterns and the explosives used in the blasting operation. Empirical formulas have been applied to the drilling and blasting pattern design.

BLADES provide the following features:-

  • Generates optimized charging sheet for the blast.
  • Generates blast plan and according to the delay pattern structure, a simulation of the blasting model can be watched.
  • Customizable printing capabilities and exports optimized charging sheet of the blast.
  • Calculates Flyrock
  • Displays graphical representation of the seismic impact of the blast design.
  • Ability to Add, Save & Edit the blast design