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12 Jul 2016



A single blasting event can generate vast amount of data. This information may be pre-blast, during-the-blast and after-the-blast In light of today’s technology, most efficient method of


blasting data management is by means of computerized database which has all relevant information for getting desired results and for continuous improvement. Further, this paper presents a case study use of data record and analysis in a limestone mine which shows that data storage by use of software has improved mining operations, reduced drilling and blasting costs and





improved blasting results. The concept of data2Desk is also being introduced.

05 Jul 2016

Blasting operations cause several adverse environmental effects and may result in safety problems. This study evaluates the impacts resulting from blasting operation on nearby buildings and structures as it generates ground vibration, air blast, and fly rocks. In this paper, first blasting operation and its possible environmental effects are defined. Then the methods of blast-vibration prediction and commonly accepted criteria to prevent damage were introduced. With the development of new explosives systems and initiation devices, blast design and execution techniques, the blasting process has now become more efficient and safer than before. Prediction tools can be used before carrying out blasts to control environmental impacts and follow safety norms.

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